My Bag Is So Heavy, But I'll Get To It Later.

I've always had it, my friends always get it and I'm sure you’ve had it too, don’t you find it when you’re with someone who’s been cheated on, been dumped or mistreated in the past, they can’t help but drag their old emotional baggage all over your supposedly new “fresh” relationship with them?, always paranoid, always mistrusting, why can’t people ever start fresh and not doubt the unanswered calls as cheating, and not firstly consider it actually for what it was, of just being asleep or something completely harmless, and not replying to a text straight away, so I must be ignoring you and not talking, to being in a bad mood at someone, which is always automatically all about you right? Why can’t people ever end a relationship with thoughts of, maybe I was better than that? and something new and better is coming up on the horizon, and when it comes along, to have made sure they’ve emptied out their bag completely to make room for the fresh potential, I know of someone who I put their partners actions to maybe just being a little bi-polar, but actually developed into more of a crazed, psychotic harassment, treating their partner like a prisoner, only calls of “who are you with” and “where are you” materialised after a certain point, and nothing beyond that, which only reads as mistrust and doubts of faithfulness which are gratefully undeserved, but shockingly even more, rules of who they are allowed to hang around with, and who not to were made, creating lines they aren’t meant to cross, seriously no one has the right to tell you who you can and cannot be around, not even your partner, especially not to someone who has done nothing wrong what so ever, don’t people realise that this baggage full of anger and all the wrong moves are getting in the way of what could possibly be a good thing, what could potentially be a new move in the right direction for their lives, but only if they’d stop being so delirious for 5 minutes, and forget all the past hurt, cant people just take 5 minutes to sort through their emotional clutter?

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