Love On The Range.

Let’s say you’re with some you really love, and your time is running thin and your mood is running down, the beginnings are always fresh aren’t they, always new, always exciting, but how long until this “honeymoon period” is over? I can’t off the top of my head, name one couple who are still together after such a long time, still in love, still desiring each other’s company, they have their plans set and their foundations laid for a future of potential, is there a law?, some sort of unwritten rule that gives a guideline to the age range when you’ll find that real thing, that something, and some people just aren’t informed on these dates, maybe that's why some people die alone, they’ve missed their window, and when their birthday rolls over and the door closes, that's the time to just give up isn’t it? Now, I'm a very realistic person, I tell it how it is, how it’s going to be, and how I see it, but I haven’t yet been able to tell it how it is, and how I want it to be, and have them match up identically, I don’t believe in promises of things getting better all the time, because they haven’t ever materialised for me, and when things aren’t heading towards the goals I've set out for my life I run, but doesn’t that in its self mean, I've closed this door, this range of time to have the real deal for myself a lot sooner than it should have been?, am I cynic and an unbeliever? Or have my standards become so high you could limbo under them at 100 feet tall and not have to bend backwards?, someone said to me recently, maybe just to make it work for now, learn to be happy for now, all in the now, but not the later, but then there is the decision, is it really better to just not be happy at all? Or just to be happy and in bliss and have it come crashing down at the inevitable end?

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